
Fox and Crow Are Not Friends

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Fox and Crow can agree on two things: their love of cheese and loathing of each other. These cagey animals will do whatever they can to outwit their sworn enemy and claim sole possession of the prized cheese they keep finding. But they are too caught up in their plotting and planning to realize they've picked the wrong house to steal from—since the mother of the house is one fed up Mama Bear who knows exactly how to contend with freeloaders.


여우와 까마귀는 서로를 정말 싫어해요. 하지만 공통점이 한가지 있어요. 바로 치즈를 정말 좋아 한다는 것! 치즈를 두고 이 둘은 어떤 일을 벌일까요? 

저자: Melissa Wiley  | 일러스트레이터: Sebastien Braun | Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 48p


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