
Snow Wonder

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WHEN TWO CHILDREN wake up to find that it has snowed, they spend the day riding sleds, building snowmen, making snow angels, skating a figure eight, and even taking a break to make gingerbread cookies with grandma. It’s a day filled with wonderful wintry fun! In simple, rhymed text new readers get to experience the wonder of that magical first snow fall. Includes two pages of festive stickers!


눈이 오면 무얼 하고 노나요? 썰매 타기, 눈 사람 만들기, 스케이트 타기, 실내에서 빵 굽기 등 아침 부터 저녁 까지 신나게 하루를 보내는 이야기에요. 2장의 스티커 시트가 함께 들어있어요.

저자: Charles Ghigna  | 일러스트레이터: Julia Woolf  | Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 24p


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