
The Little Butterfly

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From tiny caterpillar to beautiful butterfly, the life cycle of the monarch unfolds in this fascinating and educational Pictureback. The engaging text and realistic photographs follow a little monarch caterpillar as it progresses from the larva stage, through the chrysalis and then becomes a butterfly It then lays eggs that hatch into new caterpillars, starting the amazing process all over again.


애벌레가 아름다운 나비가 되기까지의 과정을 그린 책이예요. 매력적인 글과 애벌레에서 유충, 번데기 과정을 거쳐 나비가 되는 과정을 실사로 생생하게 보여주는 책이랍니다.


저자: Sherry Shahan  | 일러스트레이터: Sherry Shahan  | Size 152 x 228mm | Paperback | Pages 32p




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